The last couple of days have been good ones. I feel as if I have earned my hundred bucks each day for the work I have done around the place. One day I installed a frost-free faucet near the chicken houses. The next I staged a frontal attack on the privet in the old pig pen. After a day of struggle, I emerged victorious. It has been a while since I felt that I earned my daily hundred. Maybe it is just the season. Piddling around the greenhouse does not strike me as work. Spending a day in front of the computer is not work. Driving to or sitting in the meeting, neither is work. Busting your butt, working up a sweat in the middle of winter, getting dirty, needing a shower and a cold beer, that is work. It is on those days of real work that I feel as if I have earned my hundred.
Speaking of the greenhouse, I have blooms on my heirloom tomato plants. I intentionally and with forethought selected two of the two dozen plants to survive. The two are now three feet tall and filled with blooms. In a couple of weeks, I might actually have tomatoes. In the meantime, I am sprouting a couple of herbs, basil and lavender. I placed my order for seeds. My onions will arrive next Thursday; two hundred sweets and two hundred reds. At the same time, I will put in my potatoes.
My parish, Barney’s Church and Bar, has agreed to let me plant a parish garden. My thought is that we will put in a salad crop. That will allow us to plant early and harvest well before the heat of summer. Then, we will come back in the fall and put in a crop of greens. Barney’s has a beans and rice ministry so the garden will complement it well.
The Old Goat (TOG) and I headed out last evening for our usual Friday burger night. As we approached the fine eating establishment, TOG lost his balance and landed on his ass in the parking lot. He sustained no injury, as far as I could tell. He was a little embarrassed but nothing permanent. He does seem to have issues with his balance. We subscribed to that service that answers anytime he presses a button on his alarm bracelet. Couple of weeks ago when we arrived home after another spectacular night of burgers we found the yard at TOG’s house filled with an ambulance, a fire truck, and a sheriff’s deputy, all their blue and red lights flashing. Apparently, TOG had accidently hit the Help button. I guess it is good to know that the system works.
WitchWoman joined me in Little Rock for an agriculture meeting last week. We discovered the Capital Hotel. Better, we discovered the chef at the Capital Hotel. What food! A brunch that featured Southern favorites in a new and fresh ways, bar food featuring the best quail I have ever tasted, and a breakfast that rivaled anything that the Blessed Rebecca ever cooked. Overall, Little Rock is working hard for respect. Having Bill Clinton as a key selling point hurts but the place has some redeeming features. It may come as a surprise to many but I paid to tour the Clinton Library and Whore House. It was a three-story advertisement for Bubba and Hilary. I had to fight nausea during the entire experience. And, to think that I paid to see this shit! In sharp contrast, I enjoyed touring Heifer International. WitchWoman and I walked all over the place and enjoyed the time in Little Rock.
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