Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stuck in the Mud

My wallet is $85 lighter after I had to pay Mr. Ward to come wench the tractor out of the mud. It got there when I drove a touch too close to the stream feeding the lake. I knew better but persisted, nevertheless. Still, I finished most of the bush-hogging yesterday and will turn my attention to some clean up work on my land today. That is, after I file for unemployment compensation. Yes, after over forty years of paying and bitching about the public dole, I am lining up with my hand out. OK, I am embarrassed. I plan on wearing sunglasses and a hat into the office. I am not sure which will prod me more to get a job -- health insurance premiums or the shame of feeding at the public trough.

Tinker and I are taking the Airstream to West Point Lake this weekend for a three-day music festival. May do a little fishing in between the musical acts. I asked The Old Goat to join us but he declined. The Lake is just a few miles from the house so we will be close in case he needs something.


  1. Hey there! Did you really post this at 4:41 a.m.? When do you sleep?

  2. The virtuous life demands rising early. Now, having said that, the fact is that the clock on my computer is about three hours behind. Tom
