After arriving home after a long trip, I had to drive to Birmingham to man the ASAN (Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network) booth at a festival. It went well. Made several new friends. Rain is coming this evening but that did not discourage me from smoking half a chicken. I need the protein since next week’s schedule calls for more travel and more meetings. Montgomery on Monday, Birmingham on Tuesday, Montgomery again on Wednesday. The garden is weeping from my neglect although the pinto beans and the butterbeans look good. The nut grass loves my travel schedule. It riots. My new opening line in talking to farmers is, so, what do you do about nut grass? It is now my favorite conversation starter. Prior to the nut grass opening, I used, so, what varieties of tomatoes are you growing? That one is a time-tested conversation starter, especially in the South where sliced tomatoes are next to being sacred. Being confined in the cab of my truck these last few days, I have received a political education on events transpiring around the country. Talk radio is something. I delighted, for instance, in the defeat of public sector unions in Wisconsin. Nothing offends me more than public servants unions. They got their asses kicked in Wisconsin and in San Diego and in San Jose. Good. All three are blows for freedom. The President’s announcement that the private sector is doing just fine economically confirms my belief that this joker doesn’t have a clue about how this country operates. After thinking about O’Bama’s comments, I concluded that he, like Clinton, really believes what he says when he says it, even when it is outrageous. Then it occurred to me that O’Bama’s idea of the private sector is Hollywood and the fashion industry. They both seem to be doing well. Thus, his conclusion that things are just fine there. It seems almost like picking on the weak when you remind El Presidente that the unemployment rate tops 8%. I know this is only June but my prediction is that Romney will win by a landslide. I consider it a correction of the 2008 election when America went off the rails and voted for a community organizer as president. We were trying to prove that we were not racists. So, we sacrificed the country to ease our egos. The results have come home to roost and it is not pretty. There is nothing wrong with being a one-term president. I have considerable admiration for Jimmy Carter. I don’t think O’Bama has the same stuff as a Carter but he will be entertaining in retirement. As far as Romney, he will be fine. The country needs a yeoman CEO for a while. Times are hard and we face issues that rock stars are incapable of understanding. O’Bama will be a better former president than a president. He’ll be a good fund-raiser for the Democrats and a popular speaker. Just as long as you don’t listen too carefully to what he is saying. I do like his Al Green impression. Pretty cool.
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