I am a couple of days until the end of the adventure. Already I miss being behind the wheel, feeling the liberation of wind, sun, and road sign options. No reason to begin to feel nostalgic, though. It has been a genuine treat to be on the road. The attractions were secondary to the experience of unfettered movement. It will take me a few days to digest all that I’ve seen and done. Soon, I have to turn my attention to Chambers County. I know there are dozens of things to do when I arrived back in Welch.
As I write, the Airstream is being pelted by a summer thunderstorm in Oklahoma. Lightening is flashing around the area, the rain is falling in sheets. The sound of the rain on the Airstream reminds me of being in my Grandfather Simpson’s house, listening to the rain on the tin roof. I can already tell that between the exhaustion of bobbin’ yesterday, the drive today, and the rain tonight, I will sleep in deep innocence tonight.
I am attaching a picture of Boy and me while in devote worship yesterday. What a day!

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