Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Return from the Midwest

I arrived home this afternoon after a week in the Midwest. Bob from Coffeyville married Sweet Melissa.. As weddings go, this was strictly top drawer. I was happy to have been invited. Along the way, I got a chance to spend a little time with my little girl – she’s attending the University of Missouri. Great to see her. She seems genuinely happy and is doing well in her classes. She finishes in December. After that, who knows? Show me a man who isn’t wrapped around his daughter’s finger and you’ll have one miserable guy. I admit it. She’s been the light in my life since the moment she was born. (I’ll never forget in the delivery room, some misguided nurse gave my daughter the once over and announced she was an 8, on a 9 scale. I objected vociferously. She’s perfect! )

Spent some time with Big Boy and Queen Bee. Big Boy and I plotted a golf adventure that was sniffed out and crushed in seconds by QB. Guess we will have to play it legitimately.

I buzzed around WitchWoman so much that she took to swatting me.

I did not, however, have enough time to do all that I planned. I missed seeing a couple of my former students who remain dear to me. I did not visit the academic department where I spent my career. Shucks. It just slipped my mind. I did, however, visit with the guy who the president of the university when it was for real. It was a great pleasure to talk and laugh with a fellow for whom I have deep respect.

Otherwise, it was an indulgent week with spirits flowing freely, all sorts of back-slapping, and outrageous lying the order of the day.

Before leaving, Tinker and I worked out the details of me taking care of the livestock while he enjoys a few days of R&R on the Gulf. The place is under my wing until Friday.

Fact is, I am back. Privet, beware. Hostilities commence early Wednesday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping I'm one of those former students....miss ya.
